Larimar, also known as "The Stone Of Atlantis" is a type of blue pectolite, a mineral that is found in only one place in the world: the Dominican Republic. It is known for its bright blue color, which ranges from pale to deep blue and is often marbled or swirled with white or gray. Larimar's metaphysical properties are like that of the Caribbean Ocean - Warm, calming, safe. It brings it's users a sense of warmth, tranquility, and protection.

Larimar is a relatively soft stone, with a hardness of only 4.5 to 5 on the Mohs scale. It is also brittle and can be easily scratched or chipped. It is often polished to a high shine and is used in jewelry, such as rings, pendants, and earrings.
Larimar is believed to have healing properties and is said to promote tranquility, clarity, and inner peace. It is also believed to enhance communication and help with stress and anxiety.
Larimar is not a well-known gemstone, and it is often mistaken for other blue stones such as turquoise or lapis lazuli. It is also sometimes called "Dolphin Stone" or "Atlantis Stone," due to its color and the legend that it was brought to the Caribbean by dolphins from the lost city of Atlantis.
Here is a picture of me holding a large Larimar stone:
